Faint frer line disappeared? - TTC/ Pregnancy After a Loss | Forums | What to ExpectMenuTalkTop Menu Pregnancy Useful toolsMenuParenting MenuSwears ByTop Swears ByMenuReviews Popular reviews MenuMore informations about Mumsnet new thread on this topic ← this thread this thread the screen This is page 1 of 3 (This thread has 53 messages.) When is the best time to get pregnant? Use our interactive to work when you are more fertile and more likely to conceive. This is a Premium feature To use this feature you subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get the first access to new features view less ads, and support Mumsnet. Positive pregnancy test then the line disappeared I have been trying to get pregnant for a few months. My period was due today, so I did a pregnancy test that says it can be used from 3 days before your period is due. In previous tests over the past few months it has been clearly negative. You can see a slightly pink saturation journey along the window revealing the first line and usually travels to the end and a second line does not appear within the five minutes so I can see the test is negative. Today I saw the saturation line traveling through the window to reveal the first line and then traveled to the end. I was looking at the window when suddenly a very weak second line began to appear. This was almost immediately! I couldn't believe it. It was a lot lighter than the other line, but it was definitely there and it stayed like that for other minutes and then it started disappearing and after about ten minutes it was completely gone. When I tested positively with my first baby, the pregnancy test was very clear and the second line very visible. Today when I did the test, I didn't use the first urine in the morning, but instead I did the mid-morning test after I was drinking coffee. You think she might be pregnant? Is it possible that a positive line can disappear? I'd say to try again in a few days or even a week. I had that two weeks ago, I checked Friday good luck positive xHowever the test was defective that you are pg, you can't prove positive if you're not pg, you have to be a certain hormone in the grass to make the other line look like If it were me, I'd try again tomorrow (because I can't wait two or three days) Unless the test is defective that you are pg, you cannot prove positive if you are not pg you need to be a certain hormone in your anus to make the other line appear If it were me, I'd try again tomorrow (because I can't wait two or three days) It sounds like a BFP but it re-tests tomorrow to be sure that a positive result generally remains positive. Were you using cheap? I experimented with the cheap a couple of weeks ago and shared a sample of me then just very slightly pregnant urine, and a glass of no at all pregnant orange pumpkin. The orange squash did something similar to what you describe and then left an evap line. The pregnant pis left the weakest pink line. My advice is to go do a shopping test if you've been using cheap. I recommend both Superdrug and First Response. Superdrug obviously cheaper, but the day I did the previous tests, I went to Superdrug to get some real tests and they gave me a proper bfp that afternoon, at 11 o'clock. Take a look at peeonastick.com that gives information about missing lines. Good luck! Hello today I have tried and fainted positive pink line as thick as the control line and where the test line should be in the frame of time giving (clear curvesimple) about 10 or so minutes I went to get the text to show the amateur and the weak pink line had disappeared has passed this to anyone who had the same today but I am confused to try again tomorrow They look a little flooded for me. Are you putting them in your urine flow? I'd get into a pot of some kind and instead of doing the test. I'm sorry, Hun, but those tests seem flooded x Mara28 I was just wondering if I was actually pregnant I'm having the same thing in the same test? Xx, does this look postive? Thanks only your blur and I didn't know time your test or it's posive to think I'm going to try again with a different test Have you ever done a postiva test again? No, that seems flooded. Does this look positive or negative on wits now end friends said positive def and the next day a negative test was made? Thank you. x Please help! I did a test yesterday and these are the results, what are your thoughts about this? I'm looking at a weak positive line, but then you get desperate after a few minutes? Thank you. Pictures below... they didn't attach to the first message for some reason xx If the line disappears, I guess I'm sorry. I did a pregnancy test yesterday morning and when I took the test that I saw in the first window that there was a weak line and then when it went to the second slowly disappeared the second became brighter so I'm not sure what to do or think if I'm probably pregnant or not also this morning my partner put his ear on my stomach and said that he had heard another heartbeat while I was breathing and out, so I asked him to see the same advice that wasn't different. Hi everything that seems to be in a little rut, I've been ttc for 4 years now and I took the drug chlormid in August and September and both times failed so I thought I'd give a break this month as it's not a very nice pill to take and now I'm 8 days late! I am usually stained in 28 days, I have taken 4 pregnancy tests!! And the last one I did was the first thing in the morning and there was a weak line for about 10 minutes now he's gone? Did anyone else have this? @babydust89 Did you get positive? This exact thing just happened to me! C new thread on this topic ← this thread this thread the screen This is page 1 of 3 (This thread has 53 messages.) Join the discussion To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Have you got a Mumsnet account yet? Please enter first. STRENGTHENING NOW Refresh Your questions about allergies and food intolerances have been answered by the Food Standards AgencyAre you pregnant? Sign up to try new service of Juno midwives Do you have questions about pregnancy or your new baby? Ask midwife Hannah Harvey Get Mumsnet directly to your inbox Join us Download the Talk app
the weak line in the test disappeared! 29 replies /Last publication: 11/27/2018 at 4:35 PM Your browser cannot play this video. Similar Hilos Am I Pregnant? Help, please! Am I pregnant? Faint line Am I pregnant? The fake line, then disappeared. Am I pregnant? 11dpo Symptoms disappeared :( Similar threads Am I pregnant? Positive proof then the line disappeared.. Am I pregnant? Line Help Please :"(I am pregnant? Faint line on pregnancy test Similar Hilos Am I pregnant? Painting? Clear blue Am I pregnant? Very weak line in a pregnancy test Am I pregnant? The 11dpo weak line? About NetmumsFAQs and SupportMedia resources Follow Netmums© 2021 Netmums Ltd
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I know it's crazy that I tested 6dpo but I couldn't help it 🙈 line was noticeable, and faint. but disappeared after the time frame and just look as a Negative. Does
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